- The Bruising of Qilwa
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- The Bruising of Qilwa
centering marginalized voices & EXPERIENCES IN SPECULATIVE FICTION

- The Bruising of Qilwa
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- The Bruising of Qilwa
centering marginalized voices & EXPERIENCES IN SPECULATIVE FICTION

Unfortunately, with the closure of bitch media, i no longer have access to my best nonfiction articles.
here is a small selection of my past work that is still available online.
video games
I have a backlog of articles I wrote for Sidequest.Zone, a gaming criticism website, when I was its managing editor. Sidequest articles (including mine) are commonly include on Critical Distance round-ups. Read on for my hot takes on Persona 5, Dragon Age, and more!
One of the coolest (and funniest) things to have happened to me is that my Mystic Messenger Trash series is officially linked on the Mystic Messenger Wikipedia page.
As time goes on, much of the creative nonfiction (and limited poetry) focuses on my Persian—and Iranian—heritage, especially in light of the increase in state-led and -sanctioned violence against Iranians.
Two recent-ish essays include Making Khoresht-e Bademjoon When I'm Homesick (Sarah Gailey's Personal Canon Cookbook) and Passing: An Elegy in VIII Parts (New Orleans Review).
Positive interactions with at-risk kids
An academic text for teachers cowritten with Mojdeh Bayat, Ph.D. This book follows the as-of-then latest neurobiological research on the effects of trauma and stress on the developing brain, and includes Bayat's novel Resilience-based Interaction Model (RIM), which combines behavioral and emotion-based theories of development with practical steps for teachers and parents—all of which centers the child and their needs.
disability & neurodivergence
Much of my life has been centered around disability in some fashion. Most of my early nonfiction work centers on mental health. My essays in We Made Uranium! And Other True Stories from the University of Chicago's Extraordinary Scavenger Hunt, Newcity, and many of my pieces on Sidequest, including my Mystic Messenger Trash series, also deal with mental health, disability, and/or neurodivergence.
Unfortunately, with the closure of Bitch Media, I no longer have access to the myriad of related articles I wrote there.
© 2025, Naseem Jamnia
Photos of Naseem by Jennie Kaplan, 2018, and Jeramie Lu, 2022